Saturday 23 May 2015

Two down .. One to go ...

What a day !! Woke to find that all three were still at home !! However, Glo & Gus seemed to be more attentive than usual, and were lurking close by and calling to their offspring incessantly. There was plenty of presenting at the hole, but none of them were brave enough to take the leap of faith! The morning came and went, as did the afternoon, evening arrived but still none of the three had ventured forth. It was now gone 7.30pm, and I thought and a fledging seemed unlikely. Having kept an eye on the nestbox all day, in the hope of catching the chicks fledge, no sooner had I sat down for my tea, and I looked around at the nestcam, to see just one left !!! Flippin typical !!

Here is the moment that 'Get me out Graham' finally took the plunge out into the big wide world at 7:42pm :

'Go for it Gary' had a few aborted attempts after his brother had left, but finally summoned up the courage at 7:51pm, leaving 'Give me space Grace' all alone :

Well Grace is showing no sign of following her brothers out this evening, so she will now have the space she craves, with another night in nest cup ... all alone !! She looks a little forlorn here, but Glo & Gus are still making regular visits to keep her fed .. I'm sure she will take the plunge and join up with her brothers tomorrow ..

I was so annoyed at having missed the fledging ... but I did manage to track Graham (or Gary!) in a nearby tree :

Good luck little fella ...

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